If you felt your report needed apologies in advance then I don’t think I’m gonna’ try writing next trip. Perfection to me......

Everything sounds great and your days sound much like ours. I’m so glad it all worked out for you. I know people are often ripping AA but I have generally had great success traveling with them and I’m so glad you did as well.

So far your trip and your photos are a breath of fresh air and I sincerely thank you for taking the time and making the effort, particularly for mastering the photo inclusion. Someday I will, too. Maybe....

I’ve forgotten - what is your departure date and any chance our paths will finally cross this trip? We hope to arrive on the 28th if our luck holds and is as good as yours.

Eagerly awaiting the next installment..........



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat