I agree with you Carol. The Regatta could have gone on and not posed any serious health issues from COVID. These cancellations are unfortunate, and I suppose predictable, but in reality everyone here and abroad needs to get a grip when it comes to this pandemic. By comparison, the swine flu (H1N1 I believe) was actually worse than COVID-19 back in 2009, but it didn't shut down the world. Because we live in this mass media "breaking news" age, the negative aspects of this virus are constantly being shoved down our throats '24/7' everywhere we turn. St. Martin, from my past experiences, is one resilient island and I have always admired the spirit of the residents there. Like Foreversxm noted above the island has taken some pretty big hits over the years and has always bounced back (except Club O.). COVID has been bad just about everywhere, but no virus has ever defeated the human spirit and our ability to control it. This one won't either. Next month a third vaccine is coming from Johnson & Johnson and their partners from Belgium (Janssen). 100 million does are being produced and this is a 'one shot' vaccine that presently is matching the efficacy of the mRNA based vaccines. COVID-19 vaccine availability will open up big time for those who want it and life will eventually return to normal both here and on St. Martin. And, in all honesty you don't need to wear two masks as long as people are smart and continue using common sense safety measures.