Originally Posted by GeorgeC1
Originally Posted by TomGarvey
My second shot is March 15. Hope to be down soon!

The news yesterday included more data on how the trials were conducted. I think most people don’t understand what 95% means with a vaccine. I Know that I didn’t. There were 21,000 plus participants in the Pfizer phase 3 trials.Exactly 8 got covid looking out from 7 days after the second shot. All 8 cases were very mild and it looks like they would not be transmissible. Hopefully this kind of news will lead to reopening world wide.

People have played fast and loose with the numbers - that is the media, drug companies, government officials, everyone. The original results report that Pfizer published in JAMA was good for understanding what they tested for, more importantly what they DIDN'T look for, and how the 95% number was derived. Unfortunately, a quick Google search (how I found it last year) didn't give me the original piece - so much has been written since.

Since they never bothered to test for asymptomatic people with Covid in the population, all they can really say is that of the study volunteers who felt the need to get tested and were positive, only 5% of those people came from the vaccinated group, and of those, none were considered serious. The study "ended" when they had 100 people who tested positive - obviously, the study didn't really end there, but they felt they could publish at that point.

It was a good result - great even - but didn't really answer many of the questions that people, myself included, would like answered. Having said that, I still have gotten both of my shots.

Apologies for not being able to point people to the original piece. And I cannot wait to get back to the islands either!

Fair winds!

s/y Time Will Tell (2019 Lagoon 42)