There are different types of nasal swab tests. I've had two nasal rt-PCR tests in the past few months, for different reasons. Both used Anterior Nasal swabs, which went around 0.5"-1" up my nose. If you need a nasal test done, ask how they perform the test. If you don't like their answer then try a different testing site.

Expanding on what I said earlier about states possibly having more restrictive requirements than CDC, it turns out that my state of Massachusetts is one of those states. If you're a resident and relying on a test to satisfy the requirements for returning home to MA, than it must be a rt-PCR test (if anyone actually checks). Antigen tests don't satisfy the requirement. MA does at least accept being "fully vaccinated" (2nd vax+2 weeks for Pfizer and Moderna, vax+2 weeks for J+J) as an alternative to testing. I'm looking forward to the day when the pendulum swings the other way, when being fully vaccinated is the basic requirement, and rt-PCR becomes an alternative.

I need to decide whether or not to laminate my CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Record Card. It's on stiff paper/thin cardboard. I expect that I'm going to need it for awhile, and lamination will prevent the bend/fold/mutilate problem.