Rick - I left Salt Pond Bay at 7:00 am on Thursday. There were 7 boats including me that overnighted. The two extra boats were not anchored. The one closest to the rocks in the center of the bay was tied up to the sand screw of the missing mooring ball that's been scheduled to be replaced for several years. The other was tied to the remains of a three-way mooring that was condemned years ago. That said you're not supposed to tie up to these bottom anchors.

We sailed up to Leinster Bay on Thursday morning and the swell wad a non-issue there. There were still 5~6 of 18 mooring empty last night. Also plenty of empty balls today at Francis Bay at 2:30 pn and no swell. Still balls available at Maho.

Time for a Broken Flipflop at Maho Crossroads!