Desert Sun has a restaurant and bar onsite. You don't have to have food delivered or dress to go out. Check with the front desk about days it's open, I think in the high season it's open for lunch and dinner almost every day.

Your mileage will certainly vary, but we prefer DS over TC. TC has very nice hands-on owners, but we found the grounds and facilities lacking. TC is more intimate due to it's size, which for us was not a plus, but for you very well could be. TC is basically rooms all around a concrete pool deck and pool, a former motel. In July, there may not be much shade to be found at TC as compared to DS and it's larger grounds with trees.

DS is much larger, 3 pools, 2 hot tubs, restaurant, bar, tennis court, and onsite spa. TC's rooms are much bigger, some with a kitchen. DS just upgraded their Chaparral rooms, which was much needed.

If you're coming a long distance to CA, I'd split time between TC and DS and see which one you like better, at the very least spend a day at whichever one you're not staying at to compare. Then next time you'll know which one to book without wondering....

We prefer to visit DS Mon-Thurs just because we don't like the big weekend crowds, and we've never been there all alone. Oh, and DS also has very nice owners that are there relatively often, and the staff is very accommodating.