Good question.

To test this, although I wasn't ready to travel, I submitted an EHAS form a few months ago with the swab type as AN Swab, which is Anterior Nasal, the 2" nose probe with a few swipes around. It was accepted, and I was not required to take the deep swab, which could possibly double as a Colon Cancer test (Just Kidding, I know how serious Colon Cancer is, I have friends who have died from it, and I get tested regularly.) Likewise, my wife was approved for the same AN Swab test, rather than the deep swab, which could possibly double for a Pap Smear (Again, Just Kidding, we both know how serious that form of cancer is, and she gets tested regularly).

The original requirement was for a deep naso-pharyngeal test. That was in the early days of COVID. That requirement has NOT changed. What I cannot say is whether or not the swab type is being checked, whether or not the approvers are fully informed on test types, if anyone cares anymore, or if I just got lucky.