So many of the leaders on the island seem like little children. They act like over-entitled teens, expecting the parent to cover their shortfalls without any conditions or rules. Pointing fingers at everyone else as being the problem. Constantly holding up agreements for seemingly arcane political or personal reasons, or some perceived slight, rather than trying to do what is right for the island and its people. It seems like everyone is constantly going in circles.

If they want to be treated like equals, their leaders need to start acting like adults. It is tiring to see the lack of progress, demanding that the Kingdom Council honour agreements, but abrogating their own responsibilities. Here we are, almost four years after Hurricane Irma and PJIA is still not fully rebuilt. How can you not prioritize the reconstruction of one of your most important economic drivers?

They seem to spend more time squabbling over the politics and management of PJIA than on the actual reconstruction. The union squabbles with management, the management and board squabbles with the union and amongst itself, the politicians squabble with everyone. Very few seem interested in finding ways to work together to actually get things done. It's all about the blame game!

Last edited by CanuckTravlr; 05/27/2021 06:53 PM.