I've been perusing the rather lengthy and dry courts documents supplied on the COI website (https://bvi.public-inquiry.uk/) in the past weeks and the most recent document left me really shaking my head in amazement - I'm sure that the BVI politicians and bureaucrats involved are happy that very few of their constituents would read through hundreds of pages of transcripts. But today's session will be televised live (June 2nd, 15:00UTC, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyn16Lamjc0trQoAz-ukWMA) so perhaps more BVI Islanders will see what terrible memories their elected representatives have, how evasive their answers are, how bad their record keeping has been and how many of their e-mail attachments have **poof** disappeared magically before their eyes.

Last edited by Zanshin; 06/02/2021 08:53 AM.

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