Was it because for 18 months we had just basically talked to each other? Was it the fact we had not been on SXM for 26 months? Doesn’t matter. This trip was extra, extra special! Yes, the first week & 1/2 were very windy. Yes the sargassum was there everyday. We had never been to the island in July, so everyone at the beach was new to us.

We stayed at Les Balcons as we have done since 2008. We missed Carine & David, but Claude was great! She helped us out so often!

We were very careful about wearing our masks. We ate at Yvette’s less than usual because it was indoor. We tried to go on the less busy nights. (Monday or Tuesday).

We truly loved spending time at Chez Leandra’s. The food was excellent, the service great, the family wonderful. (Leandra, Zelman, Rochelle, & Jonathan.).

Mark’s continues to be one of our favorite places to eat. After not being on the island for 26 months, when my husband ordered the waitress said “& of course you want scalloped potatoes with that”! How do they remember?

We were lucky enough to have a fantastic meal with Richard & Lourdes at Gutside. If you haven’t tried it, we highly recommend it!

It was so great to catch up with our friends on the island. And a BIG THANK YOU to all for making the trip across the island to see us so my better half did not have to miss a beach day!

Our Texas friends, Jaybird & his sweet, beautiful wife we’re next door for a wonderful week of laughter & fun. Apologies to anyone at Les Balcons that we disturbed talking across the balconies! LOL

It was so much fun meeting the July crowd. Susie & Lauren, Teresa & Jim, Nancy & her husband,& Chuck & Betsy. You all were great beach buddies. Really appreciate your putting up with a couple of retired people that love to talk.

Special thanks to Patrick ( you were so nice to us) , Cedric, Kundo( spelling is probably wrong) & Colin. All were helpful & we really appreciate you! We rented weekly from Club O but sat next to Colin’s chairs. Again Patrick was a jewel!

It was a wonderful time & 4 weeks is never enough! But we will be back in a few short months.

We always need island time!
Ben & Katie