Our last trip to SXM back in April started out having been booked on revenue tickets through Jet Blue but due to impossible and unreasonable changes made by JB we cancelled and booked AA instead. They were First Class tix round trip and they were definitely the old USAir planes, so the FA told a complaining passenger. The spacing of the seats seemed closer than regular coach on most planes we’ve flown and they were very uncomfortable and didn’t even feature foot rests. I guess the fact they were leather was something but if I had paid for them with dollars instead of discounted miles I would have been livid. Thought about complaining but in the end I didn’t think it was worth the effort.

We’ve flown JFK to HON via LA on AA on beautiful and comfortable planes and always enjoyed the flights, or would have were it not for the length. I guess we just got lucky but the Business seats were great and First in another trip was incredible. Remember the AA planes from NY to SXM where the seats actually reclined to a sleeping position? Thinking those days are done.

But to add to what Todd said, I can only agree that while we don’t fly but three or four times a year, I am amazed at the rudeness of passengers these days but even worse than that, I think many of them must live in dumps. We watched people dump their snack wrappers on the floor and leave them there and we saw people throwing their newspapers section by section there, too. It’s just as easy to hand them to a FA to dispose of them. And while I expect everyone should dress comfortably while traveling, lately I’m amazed at some of the get-ups I see. Some look like they dressed for cleaning the garage and decided last minute to fly instead.

Last edited by pat; 08/13/2021 01:57 PM.



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