BinaxNow (and other antigen tests) have been accepted for quite some time...that's not the issue. It is the home testing that is the issue. BinaxNow performed at Walgreen's or another facility IS's not the's where it is performed

Also from the SXM government website:

rt-PCR and antigen test sample for the SARS-COV-2 virus must be obtained from naso-pharyngeal swab. Saliva Ag test and pooling samples are not accepted.
Results from home covid-19 collection test kits will also not be accepted. Airlines might require you to show a negative lab test result.
The original test result to be uploaded as part of EHAS application procedure must clearly specify the name of the laboratory or clinic, full name of test subject, type of test administered, name of antigen test, swab date, source of the swab, result date and a negative result. Non-compliant test results, hand written or e-mail statements from doctors will not be accepted.

With that said the report that the proctored test produces might get accepted if someone at EHAS doesn't read it completely and thinks it's a BinaxNow done outside the home

Last edited by boucharda; 10/06/2021 10:01 AM.