UncleAl32 said:
...while there may have been Latinos, Orientals and Moslems in the crowd, the majority of the textiles were whites....

My mentioning them was to point out their greater influence throughout our general society in recent years. Here in Los Angeles, there was even a change in the L.A. Times underwear ads, starting in the 80s, to increasingly modest depictions in even the pen-and-ink drawings. Attendance at the previously predominantly C/O beaches by the young/hippy crowd has turned to very sparse attendance by isolated single males who appear to be in their 50s or 60s. My German friend tells me that this mirrors the situations in Germany, the Mediterranean, and and the Canaries where she swims and suns regularly. Her pet peeve is about surfers. She complains that wherever they go, the tone of the beach changes to textile.
