You can walk to El Zafiro next door, either day or night, but that's the only thing you can walk to at night. During the day, if you're fit, you can walk to Karakter or Mary's Boon. It's maybe 1/4 mile along the beach, but there is no shade, etc., to go to Karakter or MB. If you're REALLY fit, and are up to walking about 3/4 mile, you can walk to Sunset and all the restaurants at Maho, but again, NEVER at night.

As far as the airport, there are only about a half dozen big planes that come in on any particular day, except Saturdays, when there could be about twice that many, but still, no JFK airport noise. To ME, personally, I love seeing the planes come in and leave. It's one of the many things I enjoy about staying there. The big planes don't come in until around noon, earliest, so they don't interrupt sleep.

If you are thinking about BSV, best to check with them ASAP, as they are often full this time of year!

Carol Hill