Yes, our one grandson picked up Covid in the school about 5 weeks before their scheduled departure to SXM. He was fine, just didn’t feel right for two days, but kept testing positive. Both kids had to stay out of school. Neither parents or his younger brother didn’t tested positive though. So we were worried that he still will be positive for their departure but he tested negative 2 day before. So everything worked out for them and the kids had a blast in the pool and ocean. They took them out on the Rino Riders and 11 year old enjoyed snorkeling, his 5 year old brother not so much. Needless to say, at our age we didn’t jump on that activity! They really liked a calm waters of Pinel island, especially the 5 yr old and feeding lettuce the iguanas there. I got bit by one, he missed lettuce and nipped my finger.
It was third SXM visit for the older one and the second time for the 5 yr old. Their father, our son been going with us to SXM since he was a little kid and now bringing his children there. Funny, the BSV maid Smarthie is still remembers him as a boy. His wife never been to SXM before she met him but now loves it also. This was her 5th trip. He proposed to her in SXM on the observation platform on French side on the way to Oyster Pond.
Ok, enough of boring you all with the family history. Just happy that the family tradition is continuing on.

Life is short, travel the World.