Just got back from a wonderful 2 weeks at Divi. The resort is beautiful. The big pool complex is amazing. Didn’t notice any difference with the new Oceans hotel that is now open but when it is full there might be some issues with getting beach chairs. Gizmo’s was great as always. The new Asian menu at the Seabreeze is delicious but a bit pricey for lunch. Pure Ocean has definitely upped their game. I only wish people who find things wrong in the room would report it to the front desk. We got in our unit and the microwave, toaster and 1 phone weren’t working.
As far as meals : the Island never ceases to impress. Isola was amazing. Tried Jax for first time. It’s reputation as the number one restaurant on the island is well deserved. Service and food were excellent. Truly worth the price. 3 Amigos was good for a simple meal. The veggie pizza at Gizmo’s was one of the best pizzas I have had.Skipjacks was very good as usual. Plus Chesterfields. We had breakfast there for the first time and it was very good with great service.
The island traffic was busy with many death mobiles passing dangerously. First day I was making a left with my blinker on and one actually passed me on the left. Reminded me very quickly to keep an eye on my side mirrors while driving. Anew wrinkle to the death mobiles is the death ATVs. Actually passed dangerously by these crazies on four wheels.Took a ride to Marigot and Grand Case. Nice to see them coming back. All in all a super trip.