thanks for the feedback - we like to self cater, looking into staying at alibabbas also -

about flight times leaving out of tobago - get there how much in advance to catch flight - 1 hour or so? we have a 1240pm flight from trinidad to ft lauderdale not sure what flight on carribean airlines we should book - maybe the 10am, meaning we leave castara at 8am to arrive arport by 9am for 10a flight - does that sound correct in my thinking?

want to make sure we have enough time to catch flight leaving out of trinidad back home also but dont want to be too early either

do you know if traveleers checks are easy to use in tobago

i keep reading that everyone uses atm's with their credit cards - I dont feel like borrowing money on my cc and paying interest on it - so can one use a regular debit card to withdraw cash from atms? I hear your atm card has to have a certain symbol on the back of the card also in order for it to work - if anyone can shed some light on this subject it would be most appreciative

"We are not human beings going thru a temporary spiritual experience...........We are spiritual beings going thru a temporary human experience"