Technology is amazing. We were at The Baths yesterday when I noticed my apple watch had fallen off. I retraced my steps. No luck. I was pretty bummed as it is one of the handiest gadgets I've ever had. I use it for so many things....much more than a timepiece. Later in the day, as the sun was going down, we were up at Saba and it occured to me that my phone might have some way of locating the watch, duh! Didn't take too long to find the "lost watch" app which displayed a map that showed the location my phone, airpops, AND watch. It was on the west side of Mosquito Island about a half mile off shore. Hmmm. 10 minutes later it had moved inside the sound and was near Prickly Pear. What the heck! Then we saw a mast moving near there heading toward BEYC. We hopped in the dinghy and caught up with Mototown as they were picking up a ball. They thought we were collecting for the mooring and were pleased when all I asked for was a watch....which they were happy to hand over. Turns out it had fallen off my wrist near the dinghy line at The Baths. One of the crew snorkeling in spotted it in the sand and dove for it.
Thank you Mototown if you are on TTOL!