You have some incorrect info. Please review these sites:

If coming down through STT, travel portal required. If leaving back through USVI, portal required again. In both cases, vaccine card should be uploaded. For return to USVI from BVI, negative test required to be uploaded as well.

Must have negative test to enter BVI, even if fully vaxxed. Test must be within two days of entry. Can be either proctored rapid antigen or PCR test. Test results shown upon entry, no portal for fully vaxxed.

Must have negative test to reenter US. If flying back to US, test must be within 1 day of reentry. If returning to USVI via water (water taxi or ferry) test must be within five days of reentry.

In all case, proctored Abbott BinaxNow test purchased from is easiest and most economical ($25 per test) when bought in six packs, make sure to take extra test kits down in case one fails-which does happen sporadically.Test over internet with proctored observing.

Last edited by CarolinaSailor; 05/10/2022 07:11 PM.