Originally Posted by FrozMargNoSalt
Coming back for our 5th trip to the BVIs in June. Bringing down two other couples that are BVI virgins. CAN'T WAIT!! Would love a couple restaurant thoughts you may have for two open nights we have... (I've read the other threads which helped me get to this point!)

1) TORTOLA: We can grab a taxi at Trellis and head to dinner. Open to a 30 minute cab ride. Would love a laid back vibe, a sunset, and live music if I was going for the trifecta. Quitos or Myett's our best choices?

2) ANEGADA: we'll be there for a day trip on a Monday. We don't have to leave the island until 6:15pm. An early Dinner at 4:30 should give us plenty of time right? It looks like Wonky Dog doesn't serve dinner until 6:00pm so I'm thinking Potter's or Lobster Trap. Flip of the coin?

Thank you in advance!

TORTOLA - No question, if you're going to taxi to CGB make a reservation and have dinner at Indigo Beach House. Definitely not Myett's. I will warn you, it's likely more than a 30 minute taxi and in the dark, it will feel longer. I'd go to Brandywine as my first pick or The Dove in Road Town to be honest. Save yourself some time and both are better than the food in Cane Garden.

ANEGADA - Best option is probably a late lunch at Anegada Beach Club (same company as Lobster Trap) or stop by Tipsy at Cow Wreck. They have the best service and will make an early dinner happen for you, no problem! Might stop by early or call if you want lobster; not sure they always stock it...

Coconut Breeze Villas
Cane Garden Bay