Just to clarify from my personal perspective, I have absolutely no issue with the security cameras around the Beachside Villas property and in honesty, I appreciate the additional security factor I feel they provide just as I appreciate their evening and nighttime security personnel.

And as far as what might and might not be on our personal radar, we had heard about BSV well before the storm damaged our beloved Towers and we had done extra week stays there prior to Irma and the havoc she wreaked at the Towers. We had already decided if we didn’t own four weeks at Mullet we would have completely jumped ship after our first stay at BSV. and as it was, we had already gotten rid of one of our Towers weeks in excgphange for BSV time prior to Irma. We continue to value our safe and secure time there, now spending our four weeks there each year. The Towers at Mullet Bay and Beachside Villas are two totally different entities, each wonderful in their own way and the added security only makes me feel better about being there.

I don’t know why you take issue with the camera surveillance but if you are truly disturbed by it, there’s an easy solution and we all know what that is. I’m pretty darn certain Drew and Tracy in Michigan and Emanuel and Vicki as well as Beverly, Joan and Smarthie and the rest of the BSV staff all have real lives to live and better things to do than get their jollies by watching the guests all day.

Eagerly awaiting our November 2022 return.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat