PnPinNC, and here endeth the lesson, great job and explanation. Wow I’m surprised you didn’t charge a fee for that, LOL (just joking). That reminds me of what happed to me and my wife in Charlotte waiting for a flight to SXM many, many years ago. This was right after Apple just released there first laptops, I turned my laptop into a router and packed it with all kinds of stuff (to long to go into) including our VPN at the time. At time we were living in Raleigh and flew to Charlotte for our flight to SXM. When we arrived in Charlotte, my wife wanted to watch a live tv show, so out the laptop came, fired it up and opened up the program, and presto she’s watching live tv and changing channels from our tv in Raleigh. Several people walked by inquiring on how we were able to do that, the norm questions, she could hardly watch her show, then after awhile we looked around behind us and there must have been 75 people standing behind us watching tv on our laptop. After that it was like class was in session,LOL. Thank the lord, shortly after that our flight was called to board. That’s still funny to this day, but technology has advanced to much, that when I look back at that, it looks like we were rubbing sticks and stones together. But that year we were able to sit back and watch the super bowl in Sxm with the owners of the villa we were renting from.

But once again, GREAT explanation!