Good Morning, to all who would like to support the Rotary School Fountain Program! Excited to hear your interest, Gavin Dooley who is the head of Rotary and working with us is looking into ways that we can do this. First, the idea for the program is to install purified water drinking fountains in all the schools in the BVI, starting at the primary level and working up. The benefits for the children are pretty clear as access to clean water is key to good health. Also the reduction in plastic waste will be significant. His first question is " Are any of the donors over 5 grand?" as this will have impact with US tax laws and the regulations for non-profits here in the BVI. If you like, you can call me directly at 284 499 2400 with what you had in mind. Or you can contact Gavin Dooley at 440 6242. One way or another we will figure out a way that we can get this done! And Happy Halloween! to you can reach me at and I will forward to Gavin Dooley.

Last edited by capttom; 10/26/2022 09:13 AM.