Scotia sold this at about half of what was owed.

Other than the theory of "if" Scotia knew or signed off on selling Time Shares I am not sure what they now have to do with the place. Manek is gone, Scotia accepted a partial of what was owed at auction, both those parties are done. If you paid Manek and want money back, good luck but that is not going to happen.

You now have Alegria and their good name and existing Time Share law on island. New laws are not going to help this situation.

I would suggest a group pull together, with the Association and pitch that for say an additional $500 per unit special assessment that you get access for the next say 10 years rather than a 1 year out for Alegria. With reasonable AMF's and all this adjusted by type of unit. Think about that even if you do win, you know the special assessment would be coming as well as increased AMF's. An offer like this could generate enough cash for Alegria to see some value in it. Long shot, unlikely this would even work but it is an idea.

I am not signing the agreement, would rather walk away and I am fine with that. Will still support the others but unless something gives soon I see this as a losing battle for the TS Owners.


I prefer the Isle seat