I have learned alot in researching various items for my trip. First, give yourself the best possible chance for making the summit of Kili by being in shape. Although this is not a "technical" climb and is more appropriate called a "trek", do not understimate this mountain. Various trip reports that I have read emphasized this point. Also, there are a number of routes you can take up the mountain. Research the various routes to make sure which one meets your criteria better. For example, some routes get "very" crowded. We are taking the somewhat lesser used Rongai Route. We are doing the climb in 6 days, having opted to take an extra day on the mountain to better acclimate to the altitude.

We have a group of 5 climbing kilimanjaro and we will be joined by 8 friends at the conclusion of the climb. We will then go to Kenya to do 8 days of safaris. We will be staying in the following places: Sweetwaters Tented Camps, Samburu Serenal Lodge, Lion Hill Sarova Lodge, Sarova Mara Tented Camp, and Mara Serena Lodge.