It was posted on the TimeShareOwners Facebook page like I mentioned, and I copied/pasted the message to TTOL. Not really an email, and I apologize to everyone for saying that; not true.

But this has really turned into a mess - deeded and non-deeded; RCI members and non-RCI members (like we are); and those who have already paid their 2014 maint. fees because they planned to use their week(s) in October, November, and December. So now they should pay a second time, this time to Alegria? Not to mention that there are a lot of folks who have already purchased air travel. And, we can't forget those owners who decided NOT to buy/upgrade into the timeshare building (building C). So, they were given a timeshare unit in building D, one of the two buildings which are still just a concrete shell. Those owners lose, too.

As you can tell I am extremely annoyed.