I’m one of those who are “ relentless about replenishing/rotating beverages in the fridge/freezer.” Aka: The Ice Nazi

It is silly and a waste of time to put bagged ice using multiple coolers. Only cool down what you’ll need for a day. Keep bagged ice for drinks only in the freezer, never in a cooler. We put a couple of 1 or 2 liter water bottles in the freezer, fresh water to start,. Then the next day put those in a cooler with beer and sodas that have been in the fridge. Keeps your cooler cooler. Switch out frozen water bottles periodically which gives you cool drinking water without need for much ice. Rotate and replace frequently. Sometimes we’ll use boat water in empty water bottles to make block/bottle ice if we have to conserve drinking water.

Last couple of charters, we’ve had the countertop ice makers onboard. Fantastic option! Never bought additional ice. The Ice Nazi just has to periodically bag and move cubes from the maker to the freezer, monitor water and bin.

I’ve used the small bags that make ice in small European properties where the only had a small ice tray in the freezer. They come in handy for small quantities. Just bought 100 for $11 on Amazon for our next trip as I only had a couple left that someone gave me in Italy a few years ago. Thanks for the Amazon link.

Last edited by jphart; 04/14/2023 11:51 AM.