Since we had read online there was supposed to be a Bankie Banks concert at Driftwood Saturday night, we were worried if we went out, that we wouldn't be able to get back home through the crowds, so we stayed in and grilled our lamb chops we had purchased at Super U.

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They were good, but we were still pretty tired from yesterday's doings, so we were again in bed early. Linda said later that she had gone by the area at 7 PM and didn't see anything going on, so we probably could have gone out to eat. Regardless, another successful day.

Sunday morning I again poked my head through the curtains and was relieved to see no seaweed on the beach.

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Yay! After a breakfast of bacon and eggs, mimosa and croissants, the morning was spent doing pretty much nothing, other than reading, hanging out and watching some sailboats practice out front.[Linked Image]

I think some of them were kids and some adults? Regardless, we enjoyed seeing some spinnakers put to use.

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This time of year, there are very few yachts around, but we did see this guy come across the horizon, and eventually head toward a bridge opening.

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Eventually it was time to head over to Puerto Cupecoy for the jazz brunch at Rendezvous Lounge.

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We had made reservations, but it turned out they were not necessary. We hung out for a couple of hours and split a pizza and french fries.

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The pizza was so-so, as were the fries. The music was nice though. Linda (Jazzgal) showed up and we spent a while catching up with her, and then headed back to Beachside.

The afternoon consisted of some reading and some napping, and then we headed to Cupecoy Brasserie for dinner. I tell you, I really WANTED to like this place. Having a true French restaurant on the Dutch side is somewhat of a rarity and these days, we are not really fond of driving to the French side at night. The location is in Jordan Village, just before Bar Code on the same side of the road. For SXM, the parking isn't bad, with about 6 spaces specifically for the restaurant and some more parking further down on the other side of the road, which is general parking for the area. The interior of the restaurant is airy and pretty and I enjoyed the look of it.

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The menu is French, as are the most of the servers. I had somewhat of a hard time finding a menu online, so I am posting it here.

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Neither one of us were really super hungry, so Eric settled only for the bouef bourguignon and I ordered only the warm goat cheese salad, along with what they said was one of their 'specials', garlic bread. That didn't really sound French to me, but seemed like a good accompaniment to the salad. In a bit of confusion with the waiter, we ended up with some whiskey as a pre-dinner drink, which actually was nice. Each of us ordered a glass of wine. They had several wines available by the glass, at $6 per glass, for a very decent sized pour.

Eric took one bite of his beef and I could tell he didn't like it. I took a bite and didn't care for it either. It was extremely greasy. I guess maybe that is the reason why I didn't get a picture of either thing. Sorry about that! My goat cheese salad was huge and quite good. I would personally have preferred pecans to the almonds on the salad, but otherwise, I quite enjoyed it. When they brought my salad, I inquired after my garlic bread. The waiter who brought the meals (not our original waiter) said that the order of garlic bread had not come in. HUH? They don't make garlic bread in house? When the bill came, it listed a total in Euros. I questioned why the bill was in Euros. The waiter did not have a good explanation for that, but the actual charge on the slip was in dollars. Eric made the wrong choice with his entre', as normally he would choose some kind of fish, but I agreed with him that the beef was not appetizing. We will probably go back there at some point, but not soon, which is disappointing.

Boring people that we are these days, after dinner we headed back to the unit, watched a bit of TV, and Eric went to bed, while I stayed up for a while reading my book.

Thus endeth another day in paradise.

Last edited by Carol_Hill; 06/12/2023 04:13 PM.

Carol Hill