Semantics. Limited, or lillegal, makes no real differnce. The bottom line is that the guns used are not authorized. And they're getting on the island the same way they're getting into Canada and other countries. No mystery there.

Most handguns, which is what is usually being used on the island, are also illegal or heavily restricted in Canada and many other countries. There is only one place where handguns are easily obtained. It's like saying that drugs are illegal in most US states and at the federal level, yet they still get into the country, so why aren't the police doing something about it? It's never that easy, so don't just blame the police. Until something changes to dry up the sources, or the demand, then nothing will change.

Anyway, I've said my piece, and if I go any further we will not only take this thread off-topic but turn it into a poliical discussion, which was not my intention. I just find it a bit ripe when Americans start complaining about illegal guns and trying to blame it all on the local police. A bit like the pot calling the kettle black. Sorry, no personal offence intended, but it just seems a little self-righteous when that happens.

If you wish to discuss it any further, I would be happy to do so via PM.

Last edited by CanuckTravlr; 08/13/2023 05:06 PM.