After the passing of Jimmy, very sad times. I have been to more than 20 concerts over the years, starting in the late 80’s.
Listening to Margaritaville radio the last two days, they have been playing the last four concerts in Key West from February of this year. Not many people probably knew, but probably his farewell to Key West! The concert on February 9th about half way thru, him in his own words said the song was written in Tortola, not in Florida, that a lot of places claim. He did not say the name of the restaurant it was about. If you get a chance to hear these concerts, he tells a lot of stories about his life and music. Amazing person that has had a positive influence on many people.
Probably the most memorable concert was the final concert he did at Miami Marine Stadium. I think in the late 80’s, I know it was Thanksgiving weekend. I have the ticket stub, need to find it. Over a thousand boats rafted up in the bay. We were on a 40 ft sailboat, it was an incredible experience and party!