Originally Posted by pat
Sunday was a pretty low-key day for us. Breakfast at the Yacht Club and lunch out on the pool deck compliments of Jeannie and ShopnDrop. Dinner was a return to Dinghy Beach Bar and an instant replay of our first time there. We started out heading to Fat Tony’s for the pizza we failed to get on BarCode night but when we got there they were packed and no convenient parking to be found so we decided to head back to BSV and planned to graze. But when we got almost home, we changed our mind last minute and decided to try Dinghy’s again and give them the opportunity to redeem themselves.

We ended up doing an instant replay - same cute waiter, same yummy chimmichurri steak with fries and same 20% service charge. I questioned them and basically were told we were wrong and that’s the way they had to do it. So bdeeley, thank you for your attempted intervention on my behalf but I think they gave you lip service or else they need to better train their staff. And in honesty, our check wasn’t that high so we’re talking principles and not big bucks. I also paid closer attention to the entire dinner experience and as good as the steak was there were several shortfalls - no bread and butter, not that we needed it, no salad and no garnishments on the plates. I’m not a very picky or demanding diner and both the steak and fries were excellent but this establishment is definitely a Diamond in the rough. Turn down the very loud music and pay attention to the little things, peeps.

Monday was breakfast in the villa - coffee/and - this time pastries from ZeeBest Bakery and lightly warmed here at home in our kitchen. We were meeting a very special and long time friend for lunch so really didn’t want to have a big breakfast. Drove into town and it took us a full fifty minutes to go from here to Chesterfields. We enjoyed the company and the food, particularly the deep fried coconut shrimp. And yes, they do include a 15% sc on the check and will validate your parking stub for an hour or two - not sure which. Thank you, Barbara, for spending part of your birthday with us. We enjoyed every minute of it.

By the time we finally got home and visited briefly with some new arrivals here, there was barely enough time for a short nap and some plane departures before my DH aka Hungry Hannah wanted to leave for that same elusive pizza. Third attempt was the charm. The pizza was a thinner crust than I remembered from past trips but was still enjoyable and for the whopping huge sum of thirty dollars we enjoyed dinner for two and reheats for tomorrow’s lunch.

And now for some tv time.

Was that the new Dinghy Beach Bar on Simpson Bay that adds the 20% service and loud music? Can image anyone could stay in business doing that. I think its true the employees play the music and volume they like when the boss is away. I have no problem asking them to turn it down.
Really mixed reviews for that place.

Last edited by foreversxm; 11/08/2023 07:23 PM.