Does sound like a great day and walk, we do that every trip. Pics were definitely interesting and a few a little concerning. I to wonder what is really going on at Karakter and would be surprised if the former owner is not involved is some way but for whatever reason says they are not. The building on the beach is surprising as I heard the gov was not allowing it no permits and nature foundation not happy about the obvious encroachment onto the gov beach and the beach is pretty small there already. And the picture of the deck over the rocks with the pipes running over them hopefully is not at Karakter or drained properly. To many issues with proper sewage handling and they seem to be known to do whatever whenever. Admitted just hearsay. It is a lovely beach, hopefully the cars and loud noise does not cause a bigger problem. IMO the gov need to protect the island and environment better. Definitely will go take a look next time we are there.