Yeah. I get ya, Carol.

During my visit, I spoke to a couple women who were "cruise visitors." I started chatting them up after they took a walk to near the remains of the restaurant. They said that, while on their walk, that two different dudes offered to sell them weed.

I've walked through the ruins over the past several years, and I've never seen any obscene behavior. In fact, I've never seen any locals lingering there, so it's possible that the inappropriate activities might be anecdotal. If you go, be careful, though.

Also (not related to this discussion), the cruise women took selfies, with me in the background (I believe intentionally, so they can giggle while showing the photos to colleagues back home: "Look at that dude! He's NAKED!"). While I didn't like it, I just held the book I was reading up, blocking my face from the camera lens. While I didn't HATE that it occurred (I didn't say anything to them), I do miss the security that came with a functioning Club O.