Finally, totally agree. our vacations sound pretty familiar in a lot of the aspects. We have stayed at RI for over 30 years now, and can't wait till next Wednesday, when we will be arriving for annual three week homecoming. We usually do spend more time at Orient at LaString for most days...and the commute sometimes takes a bit longer than other days, going through Marigot and Grand Case. As for Toppers, that used to be one of our go to restaurants at least twice per visit, but after the last visit after they moved, we swore ''never again''. Food was thrown at us, and the quality of the Brisket (which i used to crave) was way sub par. The only thing that we may go back there for would be for the gelato...even though its not as good either as The Carousel was. I guess the Rhum business has taken over Topper's priorities. C'est La Vie.