To update on this situation. We left Atrium at 9:00 and breezed into town with almost no congestion and we were at Chesterfield's by 9:30. I had a nice breakfast and started to head to town. Charlie had a knee problem and since you could not drive on Front St., we were kind of stuck as he could not walk. I noticed a couple of golf carts and tried to get him a ride. No such luck but the office at Bobby's Marina had a wheelchair type seat-thing I was told we could use. It worked out great and we got into town.

Lots of foot traffic but many stores had little or no business. The boardwalk was 4-5 rows deep with loungers and many of the boardwalk businesses had a good crowd. I felt bad for many of the merchants as they were not at all busy. French Touch on Olde St. was packed also. We plan on breakfast or lunch there next week.

We left to head back about 2:30 and made it with no stoppages or congestion. Honestly, it was one of the smoothest trips in and back out of town I have experienced on a long time.

The moral of the story is don't let the number of ships in port deter you from going to town. It would have been nice in our situation to have had Front St. open but it all worked out. It was extremely smooth for us.
