Same here. Life got in the way. We haven't been since 2015. I had to have back surgery immediately following that trip. Back seized up in NS, I ended up spending a couple of nights at Leverick to let the muscle relaxers and painkillers do their thing while the rest of the crew went to Anegada (my favorite place on earth) without me. Long story short, we then moved from MD to Florida, found new jobs, started a family, COVID, the hurricanes, etc, etc. I really wanted to go back as soon as things opened up again following IrMaria, but it just wasn't in the cards for us at that point in time.

One thing I will say, and this is just my impression as I obviously haven't been there in a while, but it does seem like (if I may generalize here for a moment) the people who charter in the BVI has also changed a bit over time. As the boats have gotten newer and more expensive, the percentage of power cats and cats in general in the fleet have risen dramatically, and the folks who charter in the BVI it seems to me have tended more toward the CC captain and less the seasoned sailor looking for secluded anchorages and "secret spots".

Hope none of that offends, just spitballing trying to answer the original question.