While this topic is clearly an issue to a number of TTOLers, In our 25+ trips to the island We have enjoyed dining and drinking with countless friends and acquaintances and I have never heard anyone mention much less question this practice. For me, a tip regardless of any SC, is part of what we budget for in our food and beverage budget. We consider the tips we give to be statistically insignificant to what our total spend per trip is. I recognize that this is a very personal matter, so please don't take my comments as critical of anyone's personal situation, I'm just sharing my thoughts on the topic. Seems to me that the simple solution would be to have an explanation on the menu unless they really don't want to disclose it. It's not like we know what their profit margin is...even if we knew where the SC was going, it would still be a single item contributing to the total cost of the meal.

One thing I do find curious though is with the number of folks here that have been going to the island much longer than us and seem to have many friends that are restaurateurs, Why hasn't anyone asked the owner/owners of the restaurants that they know and frequent to explain the SC?