We're heading back in June. We haven't been to Marigot for dinner for quite a long while and wonder if it is recommended to go there for an evening meal.

Back in 2004-2006 we'd go to La Main a la Pate located at the marina at least twice, sometimes three times during the week when we were there. A friendly, sweet French gal named Maude enticed us in as we walked by the first time we were at the marina, just walking around, taking in the place. As we walked by, she greeted us, menu in hand, and in her lovely French accent explained how well we'd be treated and how splendid the food was in her restaurant. I politely said, "We're going to walk ahead a bit to see the rest of the marina." She smiled and said, "I will miss you." LOL We were smitten by her and after walking all the way to the end, we turned back and had an amazing experience and meal at La Main a la Pate. We went back, as I said, at least three times that week. The following year we returned to again find Maude at the front of the restaurant greeting passersby. We indicated we wanted a seat right there by the front and as she sat us at a table said, "I remember you." We loved this restaurant and Maude was a big part of why it was so much fun. That year we came back several times and brought friends.

I wonder if La Main a la Pate is still there. I did notice that the location was called something else for a few years, but I see now, when googled, it looks like it is back. No doubt different owners and Maude probably moved on a long time ago.

Some questions: Is it safe to go to Marigot at night for dinner in the marina area. Has anyone been to La Main a la Pate recently, and how was it? Also, what is recommended for nearby parking.

I'll attach a photo of Maude.


Attached Files La Main a la Pate.JPGMaude.JPGMaude approaching storm.JPG