ruralcarrier said:
Regarding Royal Palm, are you sure it was exhaust you were smelling? Not doubting your assessment but having stayed there many times over the years and in many different units we have never encountered that smell. If by chance they had exterminated the units (which is done on a fairly regular basis), that does produce an unpleasant odor but it usually subsides in a day or two.

It was definitely exhaust and we could smell it each time the unit clicked on. Smelled like car or machinery exhaust. When hubby taped up the back bedroom vent, it unfortunately made the smell stronger in the other rooms, but at least I could breath at night. I spoke with Queen Sharon and she said she's been complaining about it for a number of years. Something to do with the roof vents not being insulated properly apparently....or something like that. It was awful but might not be present in all the units or on both sides of the building, I don't know. But it was sure present in ours. Someone else told me they had noted the same smell during their stay in 2013.

Robin & Ed

One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. - Henry Miller