White Bay for me just didn't seem right. Too close to shore and to the reef. We did it once years ago but I had the feeling we'd never go back. The "what ifs" just made me very uncomfortable (swell, backwinding, night escape). Now Jay has put some numbers on that and I agree.

We've been back winded in Cam and Lee bay when we were too close to shore or the reef. We've been put in danger when someone else anchored too close for comfort and we've had out anchor come loose at night when the the holding was good and I backed down on the anchor and set adrift at night requiring us to reposition.

I've not used CYOA yet but hope to some day - not worried about the boats or the service, but usually there are just the two of us and their rules require a second captain and two experienced crew to go to SVIs or St Croix. My feeling has always been their boats, their rules even if I don't completely agree. But on White Bay overnight, I get it.

Life involves risks, take some prudent ones (NOT with the BVI ferries)!