Yes, Gutside Restaurant is on the original road we mostly all used to take us into Friars Beach before we discovered the road that brings you right into the rear entrance to FBBC itself. If you take the newer road you will miss Gutside completely.

We've only done dinner there a couple of times but I've always been told you should definitely call and make a reservation since it's so small and so off the beaten path. Often times, no reservations made, they don't open at all, coupled with the fact that Richard, the owner, has another job op in a catering situation, it would be a shame to drive out there only to find them closed. It really is a unique spot if you're into being a little adventurous its a nice evening and they do make interesting hosts.<img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat