And they wonder why the transparency question comes up?

Hmmm, so they won't say who owns the company or its principals. Won't divulge contract details or signers. Won't divulge causes for increases. Won't divulge specifics of contract. And yet, after all these 'won'ts' we read the same old island names. Is this the same family or a branch of it that overseas airline operations and other things at the airport and has all those exclusive contracts?Nothing clandestine or questionable there, I'm sure. Just sayin'..........

And the island government is upset because the 'Mother Country' has questions regarding ethics and transparency? I guess anywhere you find it, governments breed corruption, and for sure, I'm not saying ours is any different, but SXM is a much smaller country and its just so very obvious. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat