Maybe a little better directions (no offense to the previous poster) but turn right out of the airport onto airport road. At the end of the runway is a round-a-bout, if you turn right and go through two curves Gourmet Marche is on your left. Easy to see.

When leaving Gourmet Marche turn right and backtrack to the round-a-bout and turn right going over the causeway bridge. Take the left marked "To Marigot" at the round-a-bout just after the bridge and continue on that road straight through Marigot, do not turn anywhere (it will seem like a long way if it is your first time but isn't really). A few kilometers past Marigot after passing thru La Savane, Grand Case and the turn for Cul de Sac, Orient Bay will be on your left at a valley between two hills with stone walls that say "Parc de Orientale" or something similar.

Should take about 30 minutes, but first trip before moving to the island 16 years ago took me over two hours (yes I was lost a lot!) LOL You will do just fine.