Malerone is good but is rather expensive. Larium (Which is what I use BTW) causes mental problems in about 10% of users. Myself all I ever have is really vivid dreams. Deoxy makes you sunsensitive and if you are a woman on Birth control it can render it ineffective and can make you prone to a Candida infection if taken long term.

A good battery of shots Hep A+B is wise. Time release DEET repellent (Sawyers) and treatment of outerwear with Premethrin is a very wise course.
More hints:
Limit time spent outdoors at dawn and dusk, when many mosquitoes are most active
· Wear light-colored protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and a hat when outdoors in areas where mosquitoes are present
· A long sleeve shirt with snug collar and cuffs is best. The shirt should be tucked in at the waist. Socks should be tucked over pants, hiking shoes, or boots
· Light colored clothing is best because mosquitoes tend to be more attracted to dark colors
· When going outdoors use insect repellents that contain DEET or other approved ingredients
· Make sure that door and window screens fit tightly and have no holes that may allow mosquitoes indoors
· To avoid insect bites, do not use scented soaps, perfumes or hair sprays.

Good sites:

Taking a good antibiotic like Ciproflaxin is in my mind a must.

If you are worried about travelers diarreha read more on it at my article here:
