Yeah monkeys are nothing to play with and I've seen all too many tourists get aped...pun intended.

At the summer palace in Agra they have these big white monkeys with white faces that creeped me out. They actually sit in groups and scope you out. I saw a girl pose for a photo while feeding one and when the guy said 1-2-3 smile the thing pinched her rearend. Try relaoding you camera (Pre digi) at the monkey temple in Katmandu, Nepal.

Recently in Thailand we were at a monkey temple and one jumped and grabbed this one gals all too ample buttocks and against my warnings my gal pal sat for a shot and one jumped on her head to pull out some flowers she had put in her hair. Got a great photo of it. Now if she'll just give me a copy.

I stay away from them and don't like them one bit rabie shots notwithstanding.
