I'm not sure what to do I originally thought clockwise than I changed my mind to counter clockwise. I'm back to counterclockwise. Cooper first night Thursday May 21, than to Leverick on Friday the 22nd for the barbeque and tie up to a mooring ball. Saturday move over to Saba Rock and spend the night there doing lunch or dinner at the Sand Box and or Saba Rock. Sunday the 24th watch the boats leave for the Poker Run than after the confusion make my way to Marina Cay to stay overnight. Than Monday the 25th head for either Jost or CGB, not sure which. Tuesday head to either Jost or CGB to spend the night our last night enjoy Norman Island. I'm looking for suggestions I have trouble making up my mind. I just don't want to show up someplace and not have any mooring balls available. I'm not too sure about anchoring for the night. I'll have my Virgin Islands Cruising Guide handy just in case I do have to anchor. Does anyone know if the anchoring suggestions they give you are reliable? As far as the anchorages they suggest. I really just want to stay away from the crowds I'm the only experienced person on our trip. My daughter and son-in-law are newbies and my wife (The Admiral) is there just to look pretty and tell me what to do. Nothing etched in stone except for the direction we start out either East or West.