.......and that's too funny since no one seems to know if they can be open or not. We heard the police had rousted some store owners and made them close down but the reality is, this is supposed to be one of the 'businesses decide' holidays. They can choose to close and treat it as any of the other big four recognized holidays with mandatory closing of businesses not directly attached to a resort - OR - they can choose to be open and pay their staff OT for working. But technically, they could open if they wanted to and it seemed like everyone knew that but the police. Hellooooooo - can we get it together, guys? This almost sounds as bad as our government at work, doesn't it?

And to make it even a little more confusing, this only applies to the Dutch side. The French businesses were all up and running just like any other day since they've already celebrated their own Carnival, or so I was told.

Last edited by pat; 04/30/2015 09:31 PM.



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