This island is famous for its food. Here are web page of restaurants: . The web page includes a map that will show you the restaurants near the Simpson Bay resort.

Our favorite restaurants in the Simpson Bay area are Pineapple Pete’s, SkipJacks and the Yacht Club. There are numerous restaurants in the Simpson Bay area like the Stone, Hideaway, Greenhouse, and Lee’s that are also good. For lunch, the Buccaneer Beach Bar (BBB), right below the Simpson Bay resort, probably has the best burger at the best prices. They also have nightly specials and good ribs.
There is a good bakery in Simpson Bay, Zee Best, for breakfast and lunch. We go to Zee Best for breakfast.

Enjoy your trip.

Fair winds and following seas!
SSN691-May She Ever Prowl The Seas in Defense of Human Freedom!
SSN787-Preserving Peace, Prepared for War