Well after years of looking for a good pizza in St. Martin, (and granted, we've never tried on the Dutch side), we've finally found the place. Aglio e Olio in Grand Case makes a truly worthwhile wood fired brick oven pizza. The French make so many other foods so wonderfully, but their pizza, well it just isn't pizza. Aglio e Olio on the other hand, is indeed Pizza in the true Napoli style. The crust is charred on the outside, crisp on the bottom, yet there's still that layer of soft bready dough below the topping. This is up there with any of the great pizzerias from the NYC/NJ area. And the prices are very very reasonable.

One suggestions when eating there, and quite frankly, this applies to any good thin crust pizzeria, order one pie at a time, order the second after you finish the first. A good thin crust pie just doesn't hold the heat like your typical slice pie. You want to eat this the moment it comes out of the oven.

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