I guess it could be six of one and half dozen of the other as far as distance goes, but I think traffic on any given day might be the larger factor... We've been in the Union Rd. Cole Bay store only once, and didn't like it as much as the Bush Rd. store. Others in this thread Le Grande Marche felt the same way.

Anyway it may all be moot soon if you are a diehard Le Grande Marche fan... on May 7th the Le Grande Marche Facebook Page posted this:
Le Grand Marché Group is opening the first Carrefour Market in St. Maarten soon !!! Carrefour Group is the leading retailer in Europe and has 10,100 stores in 34 countries.
Le Grand Marché store in Cole Bay will become a Carrefour Market with 30,000 SQ Ft and 50,000 products references adapting to the multicultural richness of both Dutch and French sides.
Le Grand Marché group always strives to bring THE BEST OF EVERYTHING TO ST. MAARTEN.

A little discussion of whether this is a good thing or not started here: Carrefour coming!

And charlieh the Google Earth Pro has apparently been FREE since 1/20/2015... I just heard about it yesterday on a Computer oriented Radio Talk Show. It maybe wasn't publicized too well.